Monday, May 19, 2008

Positive Quote

I'm a big believer in positive thinking and finding daily sources of inspiration. One easy way to find positive quotes is to make a stop to your nearest bookstore and purchase The Book of Positive Quotations compiled and arranged by John Cook.

Here's today's quote on Visualization:

"What man can imagine he may one day achieve"- Nancy Hale

I believe one of the greatest obstacles in achieving success is the fact that people cannot visualize themselves as being successful. In my case it's been my dream of developing Try Change LLC. I had the idea but more importantly, I had to believe in the idea of a new line of shirts. If I did not believe in Try Change, how in the world would I be able to convince anyone else in taking a chance on a new line of apparel.

If there's one thing that I've learned in sales it's that they are not buying the product they are buying you and your knowledge and belief in the product.

So surround yourself with positive thoughts, people and places and watch your dreams come true!

Speaking of which... :-)
Please join one of our communities of positive people and organizations:
As always, thank you to everyone out there for believing in us and supporting us!

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