Thursday, November 01, 2007

Common Sense Prevails

At the Try Change blog we highlight individuals or organizations that are taking steps to make positive changes in the world. These stories inspire ourselves and others so we feel they should be recognized for their efforts. Tonight's entry is a little different but no less inspiring. Tonight we recognize the family of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder. Lance Cpl. Snyder was killed in Iraq and during his funeral the Fundamentalist Westboro Baptist Church decided to picket the funeral service.

The church has picketed funerals before with signs that reads: "God hates fags" and "Thank God for dead soldiers". They believe God is punishing America for its immoral ways. I'm sure there are many people with different views on the war in Iraq, however picketing a funeral of a serviceman, or for that matter anyone, is not the decent thing to do. If you want to protest there are plenty of government organizations and agencies to visit. A funeral is private not a public forum.

We salute the family of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder for standing up to Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps and his two daughters. They took them to court and were awarded $11 million. They received $2.9 Million in compensatory damages, $6 million in punitive damages for invasion of privacy and $2 million for emotional distress.

No amount of money can bring back Cpl. Matthew but maybe this judgment will make people think before using someones funeral as a platform to make their case. We are for freedom of speech but we are also for common sense as well.

Lets not let the tail wag the dog.


1 comment:

Jeff Lee said...

Thank you for saying this. I hope the family donates some of that money to the Patriot Guard or similar organizations!