Sunday, November 11, 2007

Help the Homeless Walkathon

Today Try Change once again participated in the homeless shelter weekly giveaway. This is a great way to get donated items into the hands of needy families here in our county.

The 20th Annual Help the Homeless Walkathon will be held next Saturday . The walkathon will start here in DC on the National Mall at 9am. The Help the Homeless Program is the nations largest fundraising event benefiting the homeless. Since 1988 this program has raised over $62.5 million for the more than 220 homeless service providers in the Greater Washington area.
Join the Help the Homeless Walkathon at:

Look forward to seeing you there!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It disturbs me that there is so much homelessness plaguing DC. This has and will always baffle me. How can their be homelessness right in front of the Capitol and White House; what madness! They are too busy funding this war while homeless people grow hungry and more desperate for help.

America should be ashamed of itself for taking so much pride in helping other countries recover while ours falls apart at the seams.
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