Thursday, November 22, 2007


In the past we haven't really done meme's but in an effort to tell more about ourselves we've decided to go ahead and try this lasted one from Mary Marete.

So this is a "Three Things I Can't Live Without" meme. It is meant to be more personal things, not the essentials for survival things like air, water, and food.

1. Serenity...I must have peace and order in my life. With life being so busy it's very important for both of us to be able to find that place in ourselves.

2. Eachother

3. Friends and family

I hope she doesn't get annoyed with us but we're going to tag Chrissie's friend Cindy at Sweet Bead Studio.

Thanks for stopping by!

Vince & Chrissie

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hi Vince,
thanks for the post. I know you are very busy person, I thank you for taking time to write on the meme!