Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Be The Miracle

Awhile back I had the pleasure in helping a young lady pay for a portion of her first semester's tuition to go to a community college here in our area. Today I was fortunate enough to meet this particular student. She expressed her gratitude and said she that at the time she did not know how she was going to be able to pay for that first semester. It made me think of how we hear or we see people going through a difficult time. We hear or see them say they need a miracle... Well, if we have the resources to help them, why not be the miracle.

One evening while visiting the Hilda Barg Shelter I witnessed a man who found a complete men's suit in the clothes bin. He was so happy because it actually fit him and he needed a suit to go an interview with the next day. Simple items that we take for granted or throw away can actually be the lifeline someone else needs.

So the next time you hear that someone needs a miracle or just plain assistance, why not try to pull some resources to make it happen?

Thank you for making a difference!


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Anonymous said...

Good morning Vince.

This post really spoke to me, because I have been in a situation where I was able to help someone and it made my entire day.

To make a long story short, I called a cab for an older lady and gave her $40 to make it home since she missed her bus. Though she did not ask me to do any of this, I worried about her safety and gave of my time and resources to see that she made it where she had to go. A couple of days later at the bus stop, she gave me a big hug and told me thank you a few times for helping her, even though I didn't know her.

Giving from the heart, especially when someone is in need, makes you feel so good inside.

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Vince said...

What a great story Marcus! That is exactly what I was talking about...using what you have to at that moment in time to help someone else out. Not only do you help that person but you also come away with that sense that we are all connected.

I appreciate you visiting and thank you for sharing your story!

Oh and we added a link to your blog as well.

Thanks again,