Friday, October 19, 2007

Mood Follows Action

Mood Follow Action- I have a good friend of mine who said that to me once when I was complaining about something that I have since forgotten. I have not however forgotten that line:

Mood Follows Action. People that I know either through work , the gym or any one of the organizations I belong to typically make comments about how I seem to always be in a good mood. I attribute that to several reasons:

  • I try to help others without asking anything in return

  • Realize that someone else is living through a very difficult time right at this very moment

  • I surround myself with positive pro active people

For me those things and some others are my recipe for happiness. If I'm in a stressful situation I look back at what was going on before the situation came about. Am I really mad about getting the speeding ticket? Or am I upset at myself because instead of getting to bed early I decided to watch a late night talk show, get up late then rush off to work , speeding by a police officer who is only doing what he does so he can help put food on his or her table?

Of coarse there are times when circumstances are placed upon us and on those times it may be difficult to chant the Mood Follows Action mantra :-) For me however, keeping a cool head is easier when I apply and think about the principles I mentioned before. Some other habits that help me are:

  • I don't drink

  • I don't smoke

  • I exercise at least four times a week

  • And I don't tell someone else not to drink , smoke or to exercise (maybe sometimes I do suggest it though :-) )

Now if I can just leave the barbecue ribs, hamburgers, pepperoni pizza and tacos alone :-)



Brandy said...

This was a great post! And I am right there with you I don't drink or smoke either but I wish could give up the pizzas and soda!

Vince said...

Thanks for stopping by. Well after hitting the gym for 90 minutes I went and knocked down a half rack of ribs and two sodas. I guess you can call that a wash.