Apathy- A state of indifference
My Story is a simple one that I'm sure many people encounter during the course of everyday life. As the line goes "It all started simply enough". One Sunday afternoon I decided to go over to a local supermarket to pick up some items for that evenings dinner. The particular supermarket is one of the newest upscale stores that you find populating the suburban landscape these days, clean and well stocked with the a wide range of selections. I was making my way through the dairy section when I noticed this young lady dressed in somewhat Goth attire but not to the extreme fashion that you might see on an episode of Jerry Springer. She was not a rebellious teenager but instead a young adult who no doubt knew something about fashion but not decency. While walking toward her I could not help but notice the slogan on her T-shirt.
The slogan on her T-shirt read- Yes I would Sleep with You! I use the word "sleep". The all too well known four letter word sometimes used to describe the act was actually on the shirt. Part of me was in shock part of me was in disbelief but like many people I just shook my head and went home and shared my encounter with friends and family. But it did leave me with a feeling that I should have said something to the young lady or at least to the manager of the store. It also left me with the thought of designing inspirational T-shirts for those of us who may not desire to walk around with such offensive shirts as the one I observed that Sunday.
To be honest with you the thought of designing the shirts started to diminish until one interesting encounter one afternoon in the local mall several days later....... It was a beautiful Friday afternoon so I decided to go to the mall for lunch to eat at one of my favorite restaurants. While walking through the mall a small family of three (1 mom, 1 girl and 1 boy) passed me by. On the back of the boy's T-shirt it read "Just Hanging Out With My Bud" with a picture of a marijuana leaf imposed on it. The boy could not have been older than seven years of age. Once again I shook my head in disbelief but I knew I had to try to do something. I had to change, I had to go from a state of apathy to a state of action. I had to TryChange. Maybe you know of someone who is in need of change, hope, peace and diversity in their life. Show them you care by sending them a TryChange T-shirt or the link to our website. So you may ask: What's up with the photo of the ocean? Well, I came up with logo and idea of TryChange.org several days later during my morning walk on my favorite path while on vacation in
San Diego, CA. Out of the trips to the supermarket and the mall came my inspiration to try something different. I invite you to try one my TryChange T-shirts (TryHope, TryDiversity, and TryPeace) found under the
Product Line icon. Five percent of all proceeds go to
Volunteers of America. Together we can make a difference. I encourage you to develop your dreams and share them with others on our
Thank you for reading my story and letting me share it with you!