Sunday, June 24, 2007

Back To The Gym!

Since starting Try Change my biggest passion, working out, had to take a back seat for a moment. For those of you who work out religiously like I do you understand how difficult cutting back can be. Typically I like to work out at least four if not five day's a week but due to the launch of Try Change I've only been able to hit the gym two to three days a week. Thankfully I went Friday and today so even though it's nearly two O'clock in the morning I'm pretty excited about going tomorrow to make it three days in a row. Today was a good day. I sent information to several members of the chamber along with several people I met at the car wash and gym. I have a friend from the chamber that has a Blogcast that will help me get the word out on Try Change and another that is in the hospitality field that would like to share his story. I'm realizing now that this is definitely going to be a grassroots campaign that will benefit from one on one contact with people in the community.

Well it's getting kind of late and the gym awaits!


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