This weekend Try Change held it's first ever Charity Yard Sale and we are pleased to announce it was a great success on many levels. We raised over $400.00 from the Charity Yard Sale which will be directly donated to Volunteers of America Chesapeake! So many friend and family members donated so many items that we were able to donate over 100 items to the shelter as well as save some of the items for our next yard sale. We also met several interesting people from all walks of life. One couple actually are founders of Harvest of Excellence, a local non-profit organization founded in 2006 that is involved in several community partnerships including public school district, local shelters, and leadership seminars. They are also involved with a local youth out reach program and are interested in having Try Change come speak at one of their next events. Many people inquired about Try Change and asked when our next event will be, we also gave a couple of Try Change t-shirts to some of the yard sale buyers as a token of our appreciation.
And in keeping with our theme for the weekend, we helped out at the Give-a-way Day at the local shelter. Families in need are able to come by and pick up donated items included clothes, shoes, household items, and food. It's like a free yard sale. The families have to sign up through the shelter and be willing to "give back" to the community. It's a very good way to get people involved in their own community and shows how even if you have challenges or don't have the money to spare to donate you can still share your time.
Together we can make a difference!
Vince & Chrissie