Sunday, August 05, 2007


Earlier this evening I reached into the kitchen cabinet to pull out a plate to place my hamburger on however we have so many plates that three more nearly came out and crashed on the floor. I know this may get me in a little trouble at home (sorry Chrissie) but how many dishes does a couple need. It got me thinking on how we as a nation spend our time accumulating STUFF. Think about it we buy so much stuff that we rent out storage units just to keep the stuff in them because all our closets are full of stuff that we never get to use because we cant get to them. We worry about if our stuff is newer than the neighbors stuff (cars) , is our stuff shinier than the driver next to us (rims) is our stuff as loud as the next guys stuff (speaker systems). Is our stuff bigger, fuller, less wrinkled or fat than the others persons stuff (Plastic Surgery)? Right now in my dresser drawer I have five cell phones that I purchased over the last four years just because I had to have the latest stuff. How many times have you've come home from shopping and had to throw out food to make room for the new food you just purchased. It seems were in this crazy game where the person with the most stuff at the ends wins. Sometimes I think we try to fill this hole that we have at a particular time with stuff. Some people go shopping, some eat some even drink. Maybe if we donated some of this stuff to people who really need them we then could fill the hole in ourselves with something more important than cars, rims, speakers and Plastic Surgery. Maybe we could fill it with gratitude for what we have and the joy of helping another human being. You don't need a storage unit for that.

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Anonymous said...

Coincident or as I like to pastor preached on this very same idea Sunday in church! Good food for though! Keep the faith...your doing great things!

Vince said...

Godincident indeed! I have a very good friend that uses that word often. We are all part of a bigger plan. Thanks for the encouragement! We'll keep pushing forward :-)

Anonymous said...

That is true. We hold a lot of thing for many reasons. Sometimes because of their emotional value, sometimes because they were too expensive to get rid of them, and sometimes just because.

I liked that part when you said there are things we don't use because we can't reach them. And that is right, we rarely use things that are not near us. We often keep things, and when we look at them again we always say: ahh... do you remember this?

Maybe we should revalue what is to be kept, and use all that things that are in the end useless for us to help others.

Vince said...

Thanks for your support Marchudichu!! We really appreciate it! Chrissie & I are thinking of having a yard sale for charity sometime at the end of the summer. We could donate the profits to the local shelter and then give them anything use-able that's left over.

Chrissie said...

Vince is right...we do have way too much stuff :) And I'm sure that someone else could find use for some of the things that are stuffed into our closets. Like marchudichu said...sometimes its an emotional thing or I think that one day I will use it or its too good to get rid of...or maybe I'm just a pack rat :)