Sunday, August 05, 2007


I know some people may say that my idea of selling Try Change t-shirts is a crazy idea. How can one person really make a difference selling t shirts in his spare time?. At times when things go a little slower than I want I also question if the campaign will be successful or not. I consider myself an optimists though and I keep pushing onward. I believe in what we are trying to do and even if we help just one person it's all worth it. And I believe we have already helped people through our articles & stories and since we have sold some shirts we already have a donation going for Volunteers of America Chesapeake...So I guess from that prospective we are already successful! For those of you who think Try Change is a crazy idea or an idea you may have is crazy, let me share a story with you out of Good Magazine. In the article "Dirt Bag", Good Magazine tells the story of Pat Burke and Alan Jenkins who sell bags of dirt for $15.00. The dirt is from Ireland. People with a passion for Ireland or a family bond buy the dirt to have a little piece of home here in the states. Since it's inception in November of 2006 the Auld Sod Export Company has shipped about $2 million worth of soil throughout the world.

What's your crazy idea?



Martin Saenz said...

Sounds like you have some doubt if this venture will catch on and people will see the value enough to make a purchase. I was emotionally attached to a business I started called, Wallpix. The company's mission was to help people deal with missing someone and I felt very strong about it. After two years I gave up. What I didn't realize is that I was meant for bigger things down the road. With my new company Why Go Solo, my partners and I have the opportunity to help millions of people versus the 1000 or so with Wallpix. I'm probably just rambling, but don't quit. If anything, think about how you can better market and better position your company and its offering. Martin Saenz

Martin Saenz said... has you ranked about 4 million. You want to push it higher. You can do that by going to everytime you make a post and pinging all the sites. Then go to and ping your site. Let me know if you have any questions. Martin Saenz

Vince said...

Hello Martin thanks for the encouragement and the links! We're not giving up on Try Change I was just using it as an example of how something that may seem a little strange to some people can actually catch on. By the way tell Ruth thanks for purchasing a shirt. Let us know what she thinks. :-)

Thanks again for the tips, talk to you soon!


Anonymous said...

Here's what I think. You're doing the greatest. Doing little is way more than we can think, as that little thing is uncountable times larger than doing nothing. By selling T-Shirts and posting here you're sending a message, a message that will be recieved by some other people, maybe just a few people, but you have already multiplied your efforts. You've done for one person, but you've achieved for many more.

When doing there's really nothing to lose, but a lot to win. We just gotta believe.

Vince said...

Thanks again for the encouragement Marchudichu!

You're right, we just have to believe and keep on pushing forward!