Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Free Hugs

The Free Hugs Campaign was started by one person, Juan Mann. He was having a really bad day and was inspired to make a sign out of cardboard saying "Free Hugs". One person finally stopped, shared her story with him and gave him a hug. Now his Forum alone has more than 4500 members.

I found the Free Hugs Campaign while looking for inspirational stories one Saturday morning. The first time I watched the video I actually teared up. It's a wonderful story of how one person decided to take a chance and has ended up possibly changing peoples lives. Now there are groups of people all over the world participating in these "hugathons". They are out there trying to spread a positive message. A message that everyone could use a little light and happiness in their lives. That everyone gets lonely, everyone has a bad day and everyone could use a hug once in a while. It seems at times that we live very disconnected lives from one another. We are afraid to invade each other's space or to "interfere" when we could absolutely change someone's whole day just by expressing an interest in them and what they maybe going through. Instead we often, myself included, think that it's none of our business and just do nothing. What if just giving a person a smile or a hug changed their day? How much of a difference could we make?

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