Monday, August 06, 2007

What Would You Do?

I had an interesting conversation today with someone from the gym. I noticed the gentlemen wearing a religious t- shirts and although Try Change is not a religious organization we do promote hope, faith, diversity , peace and positive change so I asked him where did he get the shirt. Well we spoke for a few minutes , he told me where he bought his shirt and I told him about Try Change and I shared my article on Try Change that was written in the Springfield Times. At the end of the conversation he thanked me for inquiring about the shirt. He said he was not a bumper sticker kind of guy and did not want to offend anyone with too strong a message. That made me think what would everyone do if they were not afraid of being judge or singled out?. I'm not talking about doing something to harm others or that would break the law but something that you have kept to yourself that may seem crazy. Maybe it's writing that book that you have inside you. Maybe it's going back to school, taking up Scuba Diving or a trip to an exotic land. For me it was starting Try Change. I have a great career, no large sums of debt and no kids so I could probably just sit back and be comfortable but I desire to do more. To give back on some level to a community and country that has given so much to me.

What would you do?


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