Sunday, July 08, 2007

A Day of Rest

I actually slept in today! Then went to the Volunteers of America's shelter this morning to meet a friend of mine. We went over to the mall then chowed down on some Alaskan Crab Legs at a local restaurant. After that I dropped him off at the shelter and went home and crashed out for a little while. Later in the day me and my fiance went to the movies and saw 1408. It's a pretty good movie with a couple of good scary scenes. Tonight I am going to work on the Your Story section of our website the remainder of the week is filled with special projects at my day job, events with the chamber with the Governor in attendance and our chamber board meeting as well as preparation for the 2008 Business Plan Meeting.

Hi! This is Chrissie...Vince stepped away to go take out the garbage so I'm taking over :)

As Vince said above we're going to updating the Your Story section on the website tonight with some stories and links we've found recently. Some of these I found in the June issue of Glamour. This was in the editorial section and was titled "Do something heroic". I won't go into the whole article but I'd like to post a few links here to some of the things people are out there doing to be "heroic"...Maybe one of them will inspire someone out there!

If you click on the button in the middle of the page they will provide 1.1 cups of food to the hungry. It's absolutely free and you can click once a day. They have several sponsors and there's a shop that you can buy merchandise and gifts that help towards the cause.

This site is interesting...basically you can "loan" money to people in impoverish areas that are trying to improve their own lives through their own businesses. There are stories and journals and it looks like you eventually even get your money back!

This was worded as trying a "random act of heroism"...I love the way that sounds and the website offers loads of links with ideas for simple things you can do to make some one's day nice! However "cheesy" it may sound its an awesome idea and it can't hurt to be nice, can it?

So have fun exploring these sites and hopefully you'll find something that will inspire you!

Oh, and don't forget to join the Try Change Forum to start discussions, share stories, and inspire one another!

Thanks for stopping by!

Vince & Chrissie

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