Monday, July 23, 2007

The Power of Technology

Did everyone watch the YouTube debate tonight? I won't comment too much on the issues directly but I do want to comment more generally about the event itself. It is wonderful and amazing the way that technology has changed and advanced our lives. Real people have the opportunity to actually question our political leaders/potential leaders. It makes the whole thing seem so much more personal. I'm really looking forward to the next YouTube debate in September. This was very enlightening as well as entertaining. :)

The debate itself really touched alot on what Try Change is all about... Change. Positive change, whether Democrat or Republican, is needed in this country both politically and socially. No matter what political or religious back ground we come from we all should be descent to one another, encourage one another, and be willing to help and support those that haven't had the opportunities that we may have had. Like it was said in the debate...we are one the richest countries in the world...why do people have to suffer?

So I invite you to comment on your thoughts about the debate, the issues, the historical event itself...What issues effect you personally? Who do you think would best lead this country? How do you feel about the use of YouTube for political debates?

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