Friday, July 27, 2007

Fox Five @ Five Morning

So it was a really early morning for me 5am I was up at the Springfield Mall for Fox 5 Morning News. They were there to celebrate the new Simpson's movie and highlight some of the businesses in the community. I was there with Houlihan's and Hearts in Motion was there too as well as Fairfax County Parks and of course...the Simpson's! It was fun even though it was really really early for me :)

I'm a bit tired so I'll check in tomorrow...we're heading to Baltimore for the Yankee's game!!



Douglas Eason said...

Hi Vince

I saw The Simpsons Movie last night. Damn it was good. I'm trying to work out the hidden meaning if there was one.
I recon that Springfield repsented the world and that we are all sealed into this world and if we can't learn to get along, we'll all end up killing each other far sooner than Mother Nature will.
Cracking Movie!!

Hope You're Having A Brilliany Day!!

Vince said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog Rednose! I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet but hopefully we'll get to go next weekend. We're heading to Baltimore for the Yankees game so we won't get a chance this weekend. It sounds pretty deep for The Simpsons :)

Have a great weekend!