Monday, July 30, 2007

The Easiest Thing To Do....

Search any newspaper today and you will find negative stories or essays written about what is wrong with our world, government or youth however there are many people doing fantastic things for others on a daily basis. Some are on a grand scale such as the Red Campaign being conducted by Bono the Lead singer of the rock group U2. You can also find other people such as ourselves Try Change doing things on a much smaller scale. As you know a portion of all profits of our Try Change shirts are donated to Volunteers of America Chesapeake. At Try Change we go about the business of spreading positive messages through our web site, t-shirts and news articles.
Today I will share two inspirational stories one on a very small scale and one on a larger scale but both can have a positive impact on your life. One certainly has had a impact on mine. I will start with the smaller scale incident which I personally witness while dropping off some winter clothes one holiday season at the local homeless shelter. As I approached the front desk I overheard how one young women (we'll call her Pam) had violated a couple of the rules at the shelter and unfortunately had to be asked to leave at the time another young lady (we'll call her Betty) staying at the shelter overheard Pam's predicament. Betty only had five dollars to her name but she took a donated Holiday Card and put the three dollars in it and gave it to Pam. I stood there in amazement, here is one homeless person with five dollars to her name and she donates three dollars of it to someone else. You see someone always has it worse than you , there is always something you can do no matter how small you may think it is. After seeing that I realized there is more that I can do and I share this story with anyone that I meet who may be experiencing bad times.
The other story is something someone is doing on a much grander scale but no less inspiring considering this individual has fame and wealth and could more than likely sit back and enjoy the spoils of the world. His name is Dikembe Mutombo; he is a pro Basketball player and his story is one of giving back to his country ,The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Through his foundation ( The Dikembe Mutumbo Foundation Inc.) they have built a hospital and research center with state of the art facilities and equipment. They have also donated computers and provided scholarships to local students. You can read more about this foundation on our home page under "Featured Inspirational Story of the Week" at Try Change
The Easiest Thing To Do?
The easiest thing to do is to to do nothing. To sit back and complain or look for someone else to fix the problem. Betty showed me we can all do something for someone even if you have only five dollars to your name. Join us at Try Change as we do our part to make the world better.
Thanks Betty!



Anonymous said...

That was great. I've been having this place in favs for a long time already, but haven't yet checked it.

I completly agree with you. I work on a radio show here in my country. It's a very unknown radio, but anyway, there I have a philosophy section. Many times I've tried to deliver that very same message. How important it is to do things.

There are many reasons why it is important to act, but I think the greatest of them is that if we do, other people may do too. By doing we have a chance to reach others, if we don't we'll never get that change.

Pretty much as a butterfly effect, ones action can change the world.

Vince said...

Thanks Marchudichu! I really appreciate your comments. If we have some how touched even one person, it is all worth it. So please keep trying to deliver your message! Do you have a website or blog? I'd be happy to put a link on our website and blog.

Anonymous said...

Don't have a blog. I'm currently working on the forums. But thanks for the offer.